e-DISCOVERY: Updated online resources
/ In December 2007, Robert Ambrogi published a two-part article on his blog, Robert Ambrogi's Lawsites, that collected and reviewed e-discovery sites on the internet. (See Part 1 and Part 2.) After the publication of that two-part article on Lawsites, two prominent e-discovery sites received substantial updates (one receiving a complete domain name change and makeover) that deserve follow-up coverage. The first, DiscoveryResources.org, sets the standard as an e-discovery information repository. According to Robert Ambrogi:
DiscoveryResources.org "may be the leading e-discovery portal" and that its Sound Evidence blog, written by e-discovery expert Mary Mack, is "one of the best known e-discovery blogs."
On May 1, 2008, the site relaunched with a number of updates and improvements. Updates include: new navigation for tracking e-discovery best practices and case law; new "From the Experts" articles on current e-discovery issues and trends; RSS feeds for tracking the latest news and information; updated links to industry resources and judicial opinions; a newly designed monthly newsletter; and, links to industry blogs and other e-discovery community resources.
Another popular resource, Information Governance Engagement Area, has been discontinued in favor of a new site. The author, Rob Robinson, who has worked with several e-discovery companies, just launched Complex Discovery, which he describes as a source for "information, tools and tactics relevant to the growing discovery market." The site is organized around e-discovery stages, including collection, processing, review and production, and has a number of helpful resources. In addition to articles, news items, guidelines and the like, Robinson highlights several of the site's innovative features:
Scribd - iPaper Document Library: A growing online repository of interesting and applicable papers relevant to the field of electronic discovery.
Yahoo! Pipes EDD Mashup (RSS): An aggregation of key electronic discovery RSS feeds that serves to provide continuous updates on topics related to electronic discovery.
Twitter - ComplexDiscovery Updates: A Twitter feed that highlights the daily posting on the specific ComplexDiscovery RSS feed.
Mogulus - Video Learning on EDD: A video channel designed to share publicly available video presentations relating to electronic discovery.
Mofuse - Website Mobile Version: A mobile version of the ComplexDiscovery website designed specifically for mobile devices to include cell/iPhones.
(Robinson, InfoGovernance To ComplexDiscovery = More Robust And Objective eDiscovery Content (April 11, 2008) http://infogovernance.blogspot.com/.)
These sites are excellent springboards to e-Discovery resources online.
e-DISCOVERY posts will become a regular feature of The Complex Litigator. Look for more on this rapidly changing subject soon.
[Via Robert Ambrogi's LawSites] Aside: Lawsites is a great way to learn about the evolving online legal community.