After several weeks working on a new hosting service, a few comments are in order. First, the new appearance has changed what information is presented on each page. I decided to work with a 2-column format. It improves readability because text has more room to breathe. However, the cost of that change is a limitation of what can be included in sidebar areas.
Second, every post from the prior hosting service, TypePad, has been moved over. There are qualifiers to that statement. When posts were copied over, I found and corrected some errors where the tile of the post was replaced with other text. I think I fixed all of those instances, but I offer no guarantees. Similarly, some posting dates changed. I think I fixed those as well, but some may have fallen through the cracks. If you find a non sequitur in historical posts, either in the title or because of a data that makes no sense, excuse it as an error in the migration tools that I used.
Because SquareSpace is so flexible, I may tinker with formatting over time, so don't be surprised if parts of the blog's appearance change and then change back with no explanation. By the way, SquareSpace is more than a blog hosting platform. For smaller lawfirms looking at creating or updating a stale website, you could spend a few weeks using the free test account and see what you think.
Thanks for the support. Please enjoy the new home of The Complex Litigator.