Moore & Leviant LLP


I didn't anticipate all the twists and turns that led to this day, but here it is.  I'm excited (and nervous) to see what comes next.  You can find our new firm at

The biggest move...

After four years at Spiro Moore (formerly, Spiro Moss), I have decided to take the biggest step of all and chart my own course.  There are still some things to sort out, but in short order I will have an announcement about my landing spot and my partner in this venture.  Until then, let me say that it was a privilege to work at Spiro Moore, but I am very excited by what is to come.

I won't be leaving the class action field, but I will be re-tooling my focus a bit.  Much more of my time will be devoted to union corruption cases, and much less will be focused on wage & hour.  There will be some other things to work on, but why spoil every good surprise, right?

Perhaps a name change for a controversial plaintiff-side class action law firm is in the works... (Bumped)

It appears that attorneys at Initiative Legal Group are starting to appear at a "new" firm named Capstone Law, APC.  But Capstone is in the same building as Initiative Legal Group, so, fishy.  Perhaps its is just a coincidence, but maybe it has something to do with the problems Iniative Legal Group is having in Lofton v. Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Case No. CGC-11-509502 (see also, Maxon v. Initiative Legal Group APC, App. Ct. Case No. A136626).  Nothing like a change of name to shake off the taint of allegations like those, right?

Ted Frank sure loves all class actions...

I just haven't found an instance yet where he actually commended the outcome of one.  But I'm looking.  Still looking...

I was going to link to a very recent example of his affection for a particular class action settlement by directing reader to a post on the blog he edits for publisher Center for Legal Policy at the Manhattan Institute.  However, his post is, arguably, defamatory and/or slander per se.  If I link to it, I could, theoretically, be construed as a republisher.  So, my apologies; I can't supply authority to support my sarcasm.

The best line of the day award

I was at a hearing today.  I will omit all names and locations, but this exchange (recounted to the best of my recollection) between a Clerk and a purported objector to a class action settlement is too important to withhold from the world:

CLERK [to objector sitting at counsel's table]: Are you an attorney?

OBJECTOR:  Yes, yes I am.  I am a private attorney.....general.

The exchange went on a little longer, but, really, what more is there to say?  I think we are all, at heart, private attorneys....general from time to time.