Ted Frank sure loves all class actions...
I just haven't found an instance yet where he actually commended the outcome of one. But I'm looking. Still looking...
I was going to link to a very recent example of his affection for a particular class action settlement by directing reader to a post on the blog he edits for publisher Center for Legal Policy at the Manhattan Institute. However, his post is, arguably, defamatory and/or slander per se. If I link to it, I could, theoretically, be construed as a republisher. So, my apologies; I can't supply authority to support my sarcasm.
Mr. Frank was kind enough to respond in the comments section! I'm very excited. Mr. Frank is something of a celebrity in the world of class actions. I consider myself honored.
As an aside, due to the increasing volume of comment spam (things like shoe ads and mortgage refinance options), commenting on this blog goes into a hold queue until I can release the comment. I will approve any substative comment that is not spam, even if it is highly critical of my post. I will not approve profanity, spam, or any comment that advocated any unlawful or violent activity. I will not respond to specific requests for legal advice about a specific fact pattern. If a practitioner wants to debate a theoretical fact pattern as a way of testing a case holding or proposed alternative holding, that is entirely acceptable, but the theoretical nature of the discussion needs to be clearly stated.